Limited Availability - The Confident money manager COURSE

Live class (virtual) meets weekly starting Wednesday,  July 14, 2021 @  7:00PM EST

Hey There Goal Getter!

Have you been setting goals and crushing them in every area  EXCEPT your finances?!?


Stop feeling guilty about spending money on things you want and need

Set BIG financial goals and crush them

Remove the stress and overwhelm from managing your $$

Start planning and preparing for your financial future now

Feel more confident about making financial decisions

Actually start saving more money this year

Get rid of the debt that has been weighing you down and doesn't seem to ever go away

Get rid of the debt that has been weighing you down and doesn't seem to ever go away

Treat yourself without feeling like you "took" something away from the family

YOU DESERVE Financial Freedom !

  • You don't have to make more money or have a six-figure income...
  • You don't have to wait to win the lottery or get a check from your rich uncle...
  • You don't need an expensive financial planner...
  • You don't need Uncle Sam to erase your student loan debt...
  • You don't need to be ashamed of your current financial situation...

Hi, my name is LaTrice and not too long ago, I thought financial freedom was only for people who had it "better than me." You know the people who had help paying for college, the women who married men who had lots of money, people who were never a single mom or people who just were born in rich families or made more money than I did. But, from the outside looking in, I had it all...

  • Great marriage and kids
  • Good paying, stable job
  • Nice house and new cars
  • Paying all my bills on time
  • Active life and travel           

BUT, I was always worrying about $$. It seemed like I could never keep up and I had no clue where all the money we were making was going. Payday would come and before I knew it, the money was spent with nothing to show for it. All the bills were paid, but I was barely contributing to my retirement plan, let alone saving for the kids college. And forget about an emergency fund, whatever we tried to save was quickly transferred out because we had to rob Peter to pay Paul. I tried to paying extra on our debt but the balances never seemed to go down - there were so many bills coming in, it was just hard to manage. I tried to make a budget and stick to it, but the numbers just never worked out. I read books, I prayed, sometimes I hit the ignore button but I wasn't making any progress.

I was frustrated and ashamed.

I knew I deserved better than this financially.  

So, I did something different. I made getting my finances together a priority. I took a class. I got real and transparent about my money. I made a budget and learned to say "NO" when something didn't align with my goals. I stopped making a bunch of excuses and quit blaming my situation on everyone else.




I stopped waiting for a raise, hoping for a miracle and quit pretending that our finances would just work themselves out. I made a plan to payoff  debt. I started paying attention to where my money was going and before you know it, the impossible mountain of student loans and car notes started getting smaller and smaller and smaller. Never in my life did I imagine I would be able to payoff $126,000 with our income and our bills BUT we did and I did it much faster than I could have ever dreamed !!!



I began telling everyone I met all about my journey. The money shame I once felt was gone because I was setting financial goals and crushing them one after one. My income didn't double but my mindset and confidence GREW exponentially.  I began to dream about my financial future with hope instead of despair. I experienced the beauty of having options about what to do with my money. It became my duty and privilege to help other people get their finances in order so they, too, could get a taste of the financial freedom they deserved.  I became the 'go-to' finance girl at work, in my family and church. I started speaking at financial conferences, getting calls about what money moves to make,  coaching women through developing budgets, empowering people to believe they could WIN with their money. And they started seeing results - credit cards were paid off, couples started getting on the same page about money, for the first time some people were doing a budget - and their confidence about their financial future started getting brighter and brighter. And that's when I knew that  I had to create a course about becoming...


This 5 week course will take you through the exact steps I took to start managing my money more confidently as I began to realize and secure my financial freedom. 

But what will I learn from you that I don't already know?

I know you are a goal-getter. You are accomplished in every area of your life that people can see but there is one area that you are struggling in - managing your finances. You have tried everything, but nothing is giving you the results you desire. You are worthy of financial freedom but for some reason, you just haven't been making progress. So you begin to believe that you are bad with money or if you just made more money then your financial situation would improve. I'm here to show you how to win with the money you already have. Forget about the complicated strategies, the dreaded thought of working extra to make ends meet, doing balance transfers to attempt to pay down debt...


This is what you will learn:


You are WORTHY of
Financial Freedom

  • Gain Peace with your $$ Past
  • Makeover your Mindset
  • Setting BOLD Goals


You KNOW your
Financial Situation

  • Knowing your financial picture
  • Recognizing your $$ strengths
  • Define financial freedom for YOU


You are the BOSS
of your Money

  • Create systems to help you win
  • Build your financial roadmap
  • Master managing your money


You BUILD your

  • Create a plan to minimize debt
  • Understand debt and credit
  • Invest in yourself


You SECURE your 
Financial Future

  • Create a plan for financial future
  • Protect and insure your assets 
  • Streamline saving and investing

BONUS:  If you register today, you will also recieve:

A FREE 1:1 Budget/Debt Payoff Session

As an added bonus, you will get a 1:1 session with me to discuss any of your personal finance concerns - from goal setting to debt payoff planning. We will discuss strategies for you to progress confidently into your financial future.

And that is not all !!!

You'll get an exclusive invite to the Faith ● Freedom ● Finance Facebook group!

This is where we will meet weekly (Sunday nights) during the course for a LIVE Q&A session. You will be with people who are working towards the same goals as you and understand where you are coming from. This is a SAFE space where all the budgeting, investing, insurance, credit questions can be asked and answered. You will be inspired, encouraged, motivated and celebrated as you win with your finances!

Over 40% of women surveyed by Credit Karma feel "overwhelmed" by their finances...are you one of them?

Things won't magically change some day. If you keep doing what is not working for you, do you think you will get different results? You have what it takes to secure your financial future today. The feelings of overwhelm and frustration can be a thing of your past when you learn how to become a more Confident Money Manager.


OVER $1,000 in resources and *live* workshop courses and you get to access it all for just $197 !!!

I will walk you through confidently planning and managing the financial freedom you deserve.

Frequently Asked Questions

When are the classes held?

Classes start on FEBRUARY 9th @ 8:00 PM EST and will meet every Tuesday for 5 WEEKS. 

Class dates are as follows:

July 14, 2021

 July 21, 2021

 July 29, 2021

 August 4, 2021

 August 11, 2021

All classes will be held virtually. An email with the link will be sent out to you upon your successful registration!

What happens if I miss a class?

The classes will be recorded and you will have access to the modules for 30 days after the class is completed.

Will there be time for questions and answers?

Of course. During the class, the chat will be open for questions and as part of the BONUS, you will have access to the private FaceBook Group where I will be live on Sundays to answer your questions during the class timeframe. 

Will I have to share my personal information with everybody?

Your business is YOUR BUSINESS. This group course will not require you to divulge any of your personal information at all. 

I've already taken a financial class, what is different about this course?

You will be doing *live* group coaching sessions/workshops  and Q&As with someone who has actually learned to manage her money confidently andsuccessfully budgeted her way out of $126K debt in less than two years. You will also be able to ask me questions live weekly and pick my brain. Homework will be assigned, answers, resources and encouragement will be provided.

What is included in the cost of the class?

For just $197, you will get over $1,000 worth of financial services to include group coaching/workshops, Q&A sessions, personalized feedback during weekly Q&A sessions, 5 weeks of financial life changing material and a priceless mindset shift about your financial future!

I really don't know you, why should I trust you?

I have been offering group coaching for over 5 years throughout my community and have successfully coached many families on their journeys to financial freedom. I also confidently and efficiently managed my way out of $126K of debt in less than two years. I have a proven track record along with tips and tools that will work for anyone who is committed to the process.

Are there any additional cost?

Nope. For this 5 week course there is only a one time investmen of $197.

Copyright © Unlimited Faith, LLC