Idolatry: Idols don’t look like they used to

Recently, my son made it to states in the 100 meter dash. He was the second fastest sprinter in the region, so we were pretty sure he would be on the podium. So many things were riding on this state championship race. There was the potential for state recognition and football offers to come if he ran his race well. We were all so excited! When it was time for the race, I prayed as usual and I also prayed for him to do exceptionally well – that God would reveal His glory to many through Jalen. The gun rang out and we began to cheer, “Let’s go Jalen!” But immediately after he left the blocks, I could see something was wrong. Oh no! What I didn’t know was that he hyperextended his knee just minutes before the race. I was devastated. How could this happen? Why was this happening now? But he had come so far, this could be his big break….My heart sank, I was so sad for him. He finished the race, jogging to the finish line. The chance to win states was now a mist of vapor, gone in a flash. And I could not help but wonder, WHY? Why now? Why Jalen? But God showed me a picture. We had all joined in on putting states, the podium, offers, statistics in front of Him. Instead of focusing on how God would truly be glorified, we were consumed with the potential outcomes.  We had joined in on erecting idols. Anything that comes before God, is an idol.

In the old, old days people would actually build or make idols out of gold, silver, wood,etc. and it was commonplace to see idols in high places. Think Moses and Aaron and the golden calf (Exodus 32). The golden calf was erected by Aaron and the Israelites because they thought Moses was taking too long to come back with the instructions, words and provisions from the Lord. They were ready to go and they did not want to wait for Moses to come down from his meeting with God. So they thought the better thing to do was to “make us gods who shall go before us (Ex. 32:1).” And that god was the golden calf.  Looking at this story from where we are today, it seems absolutely absurd that they would make a calf out of gold to lead them….times have changed, but not much. The idols we erect typically are not physical, but sometimes they are. Whatever we hold in higher regard than God is an idol. Have you ever depended or counted on a networking event to secure your position? What about getting a degree to secure your future? Is your schedule so jam packed with your kids events that you have no time to go to church or pray? Do you find yourself unable to support the work of God because your finances are always obligated to other things? It is so easy to build up idols these days. It is commonplace, truly it is a natural inclination. We work hard to achieve many things and often we forget to acknowledge the one who gave us the ability to achieve in the first place.

Now back to the track meet. Were we wrong for wanting and anticipating Jalen’s success? I don’t think so. Were we wrong for hoping that something great would result from his success? Again, I don’t think so. But, the emphasis and the weightiness that we accepted and placed on this meet and Jalen’s success was out of place. Winning and the podium became an idol, because we thought and agreed in our hearts that this  would open the doors for the blessings to come pouring in. Now, I am a God-fearing and God-loving woman and I took the bait! Hook, line and sinker….Idolatry is not always an out of place, strange looking, weird figure, it often seems like it is the right thing, it makes sense, it is the way that works for everybody else – or so it seems. Who wouldn’t want their son to win and be on the podium? Who wouldn’t want to graduate and have a successful future? Who doesn’t want a great relationship? In and of themselves, there is nothing wrong with these things. The problem comes when these things become our focus, when they become the end-goal and we put God on the shelf in exchange for the the promises of security, safety, success, well-being, the list could go on and on and on and on…..

But thank God for grace. His grace is sufficient. I am learning my lesson about idols. And I am praying that God would show me every single one of them so they can be torn down and cast out of my life forever! There is nobody greater than God. There is no one who can open doors but God. No medal or podium can secure my son’s future like God can. God is and always has been. He is the great I AM. I want to see the hand of  God moving in my life and I am trusting that He is doing a NEW THING!

So I told you about my prayer before the track meet. It would seem that God didn’t hear me and he did not answer my prayer.

“When it was time for the race, I prayed as usual and I also prayed for him to do exceptionally well – that God would reveal His glory to many through Jalen.”

Well. The end goal in my mind was the podium… but God. His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. See, Jalen was injured. His knee was swollen before the race even started, but he was determined. He took the risk and attempted to run his race. It was quickly revealed that he would not be able to run in the capacity in which he was accustomed to. His sprint turned into a painful jog. Many would have walked off the the track, but Jalen finished the race. My heart is flooded with joy and amazement at our God because this showed me more about Jalen’s true character than winning ever could have. Can you imagine being in front of a crowd of thousands at your weakest moment? If that doesn’t break you, it will only make you stronger.  This has been so emotional. But at the end of the day, I smile because I know God is doing a greater work, a lasting work in Jalen and our family. Instead of looking for the prize, the offer, the recognition we are looking to God because we know with Him, nothing is impossible. The best is yet to come!

Please keep Jalen in your prayers. He is still processing all of this and we are trying to keep pouring truth and encouragement into him. We are trusting that he will grow closer to God and will look to Him first and foremost for all of his needs.

What idols have you erected in your heart? What can you do to put things in their proper place?

4 thoughts on “Idolatry: Idols don’t look like they used to”

  1. Latrice, that was a great write up, a greater experience. Yes, it causes one to search self for the idols in our own lives. What am I putting before God unconsciously. God is so great. He has such a great and loving way of showing us ourselves. God bless you and we know that Jalen will be able to process this as time goes on. Love you and praying Jalen. He will make it. God has a great plan for him. Aunt Carrie

    1. Thank you! One day it will be revealed to Jalen as well, hopefully sooner than later. I appreciate you taking the time to read my blog and pray for continued health and well being for you as well.

  2. Wow! Love the way you acknowledged that seeing his character in all this was the greatest blessing! Amen! God revealed that you and D are doing a great job building a man of endurance! Kudos too you Jalen! May God continue to Bless you with things money can’t buy – fruit of the Spirit – patience etc!! Awesome testimony and example of Romans 8:28!

    1. Thank you. I receive that and pray the same for you and your family as well. God is doing a new thing with His people, we are trusting His word….

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