stay motivated Climbing mountain motivation to meet goals

Staying Motivated

Did you make resolutions for 2019? Have you written down goals for this month, six months, one year from now? Here is the really hard question, are you still working towards those goals? Are you on track to successfully conquer what you set out to do? Hopefully,  life with its ups and downs has not thrown you off course yet. But even if it has, it is perfectly fine to just pick up where you left off and start again. Are you still motivated or have distractions and situations caused you to lose motivation? It is very difficult to do anything when you are no longer motivated, but motivation is a major ingredient for success. Here are some tips to help you stay motivated.

Keys to Motivation

If you have a dream – a dream life, budget, business, physique, career, the list could go on and on – don’t forget your dream. Never stop dreaming. Life can be very difficult in some seasons, there are times when the best you can do is get out of bed and try to make it through the day. That is completely understandable, we have all had those moments. The key is to not let those moments or seasons define or deter you from what you know in the depths of your soul to be true for you and your life. Don’t allow the circumstances of life, snatch your dreams away. Know that you can overcome any obstacle or challenge. You can still accomplish your goals even if you have faced a setback, it may take longer, it may not look like what you imagined, but it can still happen if you stay motivated.

Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.

Dale Carnegie

Remembering Why

If you find yourself off track or you realize you have done absolutely nothing to accomplish your goals, stop and ask yourself why? Why did you originally set the goal for yourself? How will achieving your objectives impact your life? When you look back a year from now, will you be proud of the effort you put forth? You have a major part to play in controlling your destiny. When you think about your future instead of focusing on the now,  you will find motivation to stay on track. It is rare to get instant results from anything worth having, but if you stick with it, one day you will look up and realize you actually did it. You actually stuck with it, worked hard and accomplished what you set out to do!

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the things you did. 

Mark Twain

Celebration Milestones

Too often when we are fixated on accomplishing a goal, we become so focused on the goal that we forget to give ourselves a minute to breathe. When you grind, grind, grind and then grind some more without any reprieve, you will eventually burn out. Be mindful to celebrate your successes along the journey to reaching your dreams. Setting celebration milestones are an awesome way to stay motivated because you have something to look forward to. Give yourself permission to celebrate, if small celebrations help you stay motivated, plan for them along the way. As long as they don’t take you too far off the path of your goal, Go for it!!!

It’s always good to remember where you come from and celebrate it. To remember where you come from is part of where you’re going.

Anthony Burgess

You’ve Got What it Takes

Staying motivated when you dream big or attempt to accomplish something that is outside of your comfort zone can be very challenging. Motivation is what keeps you going when you feel like quitting. Motivation is the fire in your soul that doesn’t go out when times get tough or it looks you will never make it. I encourage you to never forget why you started, never forget what your dream looks like and to keep on working at it. If you don’t give up and you don’t give in, you will see your goals get checked off one by one. You got this!

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